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Jain Quantum is a Jain literature search engine. Jain Quantum aims to create an accessible search experience for everyone, including pathshala students, teachers, university professors, and non-Jains, as well. Jain Quantum allows you to find the smallest details hidden within pages of literature. Currently, 99% of English literature on the Jain eLibrary has been indexed on Jain Quantum, and we will continue to add more texts. There is also interfaith content available, such as texts from Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. 222,745 - 400,218 -
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Create an admin panel, dashboards and user portals using the UI Bakery internal tools builder. Connect and visualize data, integrate with third-party API. 605,698 -
This free daily journal provides updates on the latest industry developments and IDTechEx research on printed electronics; from sensors, displays and materials to manufacturing. 3,488,456 -
Portál pro stavebnictví, technická zařízení budov a úspory energií. Denně aktuální informace z oborů stavba budov, vytápění, větrání, klimatizace, voda, kanalizace, obnovitelná energie, výtahy. Oborová databáze firem a výrobků, právní předpisy, normy, technické tabulky a výpočty, diskuzní fórum. 88,866 -
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